Business To Business Copywriting Secrets

If you want to increase your marketing results and get more qualified leads, you will need to improve the effectiveness of the copywriting on your website, print ads, emails and direct mail.

This is vital because copywriting is your “salesperson in cyberspace, in print and in the mail” … and great salesmanship produces great sales … average salesmanship gets only average or worse results.

Delhi to Patna Flights

Here are the copywriting tips that will improve your marketing results.  These are proven based on our copywriting work for over 450 businesses since 1978.

This is a list of what your prospect is thinking as he reads your marketing copy.  It’s important to make sure everything is addressed on this list.  If you do this, your marketing results will improve dramatically.

1.  You’d better have done your research to know what benefits I want most from your type of product or service.  If you don’t, I won’t even notice you, and if I do, I won’t even give you a hearing.

2.  What do you do?  How will it help me? I need to know “what’s in it for me” instantly or I’m gone.

3.  Why should I believe you?

4.  I already have a supplier for that – why should I listen to you?

5.  Make it easy for me to read, understand, navigate, and “scan” your marketing material.

6.  I want a specialized expert in your field for my situation or my needs or my type of business.

7.  Don’t bore me!  I’m sick of corporate talk, business buzz terms and mumbo-jumbo.  Almost all business marketing is very dull and boring and I won’t read it.

8.  I want ALL the details and specs, including product information, product applications, CAD drawings and plans, costs and shipping.  A study finds a very large percentage of buyers say these details are not readily available.

9.  I want to read copywriting from a real live person talking to me person to person, and not from some emotionless corporation.

10.  I won’t admit it on the record, but I make purchases based on my emotions.  Sure I need logic and features for verification, but if you can touch my emotions, I’m much more likely to buy from you.

11.  I badly want more from my life than just work.  I’m very interested in saving time, work and stress.

12.  Make it easy for me!  You list many different things I can do and I’m confused.  What one thing should I do now and why?

13.  Don’t overload your website or brochure with fluff – stick only to relevant and helpful information I need.  I’m tired of all the irrelevant “filler” information on the web and I won’t read through it anymore.

14.  Compare your product or service against your competitors for me if it is really as good as you say it is.  Be honest, as I’ll see through any favoritism.

15.  Be specific; generalities go right into my garbage.

16.  What’s your guarantee?

17.  How can I test your product, service or company first, in a low or no cost way, before I make a large commitment?

18.  Help me justify the investment to my boss on an ROI basis.

     These copywriting secrets applied properly are a main reason one website, direct mail piece or ad can pull 2 to 3 times the response as another for the same product or service.  This is why the most successful marketers hire the best outside freelance copywriters they can afford.


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